Are You A Great Dog Owner?

You show your love for your pet, but are you really a great pet owner? Here are some things that make good people great dog owners. But don't take our word for it--ask your dog how you're doing, too!
Great dog owners:
Spay and neuter their pets - Neutered/spayed dogs typically live longer, healthier lives, are easier to focus and train, and will not birth unwanted dogs.
Clean up after their dogs - pick up and properly dispose of any dog faeces your pup leaves behind.
Watch the temperature - Great dog owners never leave their dog out in the heat or extreme cold for longer than a few minutes. Keep an eye on the temperature and make sure you never leave your dog in a hot car, even for a few minutes.
Ensure their dog has proper identification - Make sure your dog is microchipped and registered. Never let your dog leave the house without its collar and tags. A dog with no ID is at risk of getting lost and ending up in a shelter or worse.
Take their dogs for checkups - Like humans, dogs benefit from regular wellness checks from a veterinarian. Prevention is the best medicine, so make sure you take your dog to the vet for regularly scheduled visits.
Walk their dogs on lead - Leads aren't just for keeping your dog out of mischief; a lead could save your dog's life. Prevent your dog from darting out into traffic or somewhere they shouldn't be by keeping him leashed during walks.
Provide a secure place for their pup to play - Make sure your dog has a secure place such as a fenced in yard to run free and burn off lots of energy. Don't forget to get out there and play, too--your dog will love you for it.
Train their dogs -Training isn't just about teaching your dog neat tricks. Being able to control your dog could save his life, especially in public places or dangerous situations. Plus, a well understood dog is calmer and better behaved so is more welcome in public places than one who doesn't understand what acceptable behaviour is.
Don't just be a 'good' dog owner, be a GREAT one by making sure you follow these tips with your dog.
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