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Our dog friendly training is
simple, natural and 'FAST'
Our methods focus on creating a positive relationship between you and your dog to improve your dog's behaviour and obedience. Our expertise is in understanding how a dog naturally thinks, learns and communicates and then using this to show you how to be your dog’s leader. Once this relationship is established, behaviour change is a natural next step. Our techniques work with any age, any breed, any issue. You and your dog get one-on-one attention, an individualised plan to suit your family AND guaranteed support for the life of your dog.

Featured Dog Breed
Who doesn't love a Beagle's doe-like eyes, happy and easy-going nature, their cute, floppy ears? As a member of the hound family, they live to use their nose and love to eat! They are excellent as scent detection dogs at airports and can search out weapons, drugs, and illegal food items with ease. O... more
Dog Training Services
Dog Training Tips
Puppies and School Holidays...
In this article, we want to talk about the effect school holidays can have on puppies. In the same way that school holidays are a break in routine for your children, they can create a break in routine for your puppy. However, whilst your children understand that after the break they will return to school and resume their weekly routine, puppies quickly devel...
Summer Hazards For Your Dog...
Summer safety isn't just for humans. Your dog may want to enjoy being outdoors in the summer, but you need to watch out for summer safety hazards that could put your pooch at risk. Here are some things you should watch out for this summer in order to protect your dog. Dehydration Dogs can get dehydrated just like people do, so make sure you always keep p...
How To Keep Your Dog Cool in the Summer Heat...
As summertime is here and as the warm temperatures linger throughout the day and night, it's important to keep yourself and your dog well hydrated and cool. Both cats and dogs are particularly susceptible to heatstroke - a potentially life-threatening condition. Here are some helpful tips to make your pet's summer cooler and more enjoyable. Outdoors Neve...
How to Train Your Dog to Exit a Pool Safely...
Training your dog to safely exit the pool dramatically reduces their risk of drowning. Follow this simple process to train your dog to exit at the pool steps. Please share this video as it may well save a dog's life. For more information click on our tip sheet "Pool Safety for Dogs"....
Bark Busters Offers Summer Safety Tips for Dogs...
As summer leads to warmer weather and more time outside, Bark Busters advises pet owners to take special precautions for their dogs. Bark Busters - the world's largest dog training company offers some helpful tips for dog owners on how to keep their canine companions happy, cool and safe during the dog days of summer. Summer is an incredible season for outd...