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Reviews & Testimonials For Todd Morris

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11th February 2018 - Todd Morris

Todd dealt with Barking, Hyperactivity, Jumping up, Pulling, Recall

Philip was immediately helpful, easy to understand and patient.

- J.G, Horsley, New South Wales (Testimonial)

Trainer note from Todd
Inca is a just 6 months Miniature Schnauzer who screamed on walks as though terrified whilst her sibling Jozi, a 4 year old Irish Terrier has become dog aggressive over time since an earlier attack. Walking was impossible due to Jozi pulling. Huge improvement today and more to come in our next lesson. Jumping up, barking at guests and some Sibling Rivalry were also isssues we addressed today.

10th February 2018 - Todd Morris

Todd dealt with Pulling, Sibling rivalry, Other

Very happy with our first training, was very surprised with the results we got. We can actually walk our dog now.

- C.F, Oak Flats, New South Wales (Testimonial)

Trainer note from Todd
Thibout is a 4.5 year old male German Shepherd who was impossible to walk as he pulled so hard. He actually injured his owners arm pulling so hard! He also is aggressive towards other dogs (except other German Shepherds!) and is very scary when doing so. We started his rehab today in his own home and he did super well. Never before has he walked on a loose lead beside both his Mum & Dad's left legs. They were surprised and pleased. Next lesson we will work more on the aggression but all indications are that we should see huge improvement on that front too. His humans have some practice for a week or so before then. Well done Thibout and Mum & Dad!

1st February 2018 - Todd Morris

Todd dealt with Aggression, Barking, Puppy management, Separation anxiety

The training was excellent. I did not expect the results that were achieved. Toby so far is a NEW DOG 😀 The barking has stopped and now slowly getting used to Genevieve being around and walking through the house. A job well done by BARK BUSTERS and PHILIP COMANS. Thank you sincerely. Joseph

- J.D, Berkeley, New South Wales (Testimonial)

Trainer note from Todd
That's wonderful to hear thank you Joseph! Genevieve is a 9 weeks old Toy Poodle female (and about the cutest little powder puff I've ever seen or held!) and Toby is a 14 year old male Toy Poodle. Toby was not impressed initially with Genevieve showing up in his home ;( He was growling and lunging at her and it looked like he might really have a nasty go at her. Joseph learnt in one lesson many thing, including how to correct Toby for this behaviour with just his voice. Toby responded immediately. Toby also used to bark incessantly at visitors, and demanded food and treats when guests were eating. We showed Joseph how to stop this annoying behaviour. Toby also barked at every little noise outside and Joseph learnt how to stop this. As far as Genevieve was concerned Joseph learnt how to communicate with her in canine. He was able to stop her puppy nipping immediately. He also learnt how to overcome her winging for attention, and we explained how to ensure great toilet habits. All in all lots of information was passed onto Joseph. I will be back to help more in a few weeks or whenever Joseph asks for more help with both puppy Genevieve and old man Toby.

11th January 2018 - Todd Morris

Todd dealt with Barking, Hyperactivity, Jumping up, Puppy management, Recall, Sibling rivalry

I feel the training was very informative and easy to follow and stick to.

- L.P, Tarrawanna, New South Wales (Testimonial)

Trainer note from Todd
Milo is an 18 month old Jack Russell cross Maltese male that had lots of issues including barking at the neighbours' dogs and people, nipping at his owners feet, jumping on and off couches at will, and pulling the tail of their Mother in Law's Toy Poodle when it visits! #dogtrainingnearme, #dogtrainingillawarra #puppytrainingillawarra, #puppytrainingnearme #speakdog Lisa and Milo loved the lesson and did really well!

10th January 2018 - Todd Morris

Todd dealt with Hyperactivity, Jumping up, Pulling, Recall

The training that we all received with Philip is brilliant! In one session the change in Lobo is amazing. Philip is patient and it's great to know we have continued support to create a happy environment for all of us. A very big thank you Philip:)

- M.H, Exeter, New South Wales (Testimonial)

Trainer note from Todd
Thanks Michelle! Lobo is a fairly big Deerhound x Labrador (best guess as he's a lucky rescue dog!) at about 35kg. Jumping up on family & guests was obviously a big issue. He also licked everyone all the time! So as an outdoor dog and with all guests running the gauntlet of the yard to get to the front door changes were needed! Today he showed what a lovely nature he has and he really calmed down, stopped jumping and licking and even left greeting people at the fence to his humans. Practice is needed now to establish the new improved rules. Well done today!

5th January 2018 - Todd Morris

Todd dealt with Barking, Jumping up, Other

The training was simple and easy to follow (although I struggled a little with my coordination with the walking session). None of the actions /verbal commands used were threatening as demonstrated by my pup's relaxed responses. Muffie responded both very well and very quickly to the trainer's commands. Philip was also very patient and non-critical in his teaching approach with me. Will definitely be adhering to the daily training requirements prior to his next visit. Muffie actually appeared to enjoy it.

- G.K, Flinders, New South Wales (Testimonial)

Trainer note from Todd
Muffie is a gorgeous 1 year old Jack Russell x Pug (a Jug!) and cute as a boot! Her big issues were barking at night and sleeping on the bed, uninvited. Her owner is a retired person and loves her to bits. Both human and Jug did super well. I’ll be back to assist further. Well done so far!

28th December 2017 - Todd Morris

Todd dealt with Aggression, Barking, Jumping up, Recall

Within only the first few minutes could already see a big difference in the training and behavioural processes. Philip is very knowledgable and very patient. Taught us many great skills to practice and put us control of our little ones. Recommended.

- S.P, Thirroul, New South Wales (Testimonial)

Trainer note from Todd
Goblin & Gremlin are about a year old, sibling brothers and Chihauhuas. Goblin was aggressive to strangers and had nipped some. Both barked and a neighbour had complained. We say that they can be good little guys and they learned to stay away from the front door when a new person arrives. Their parents couldn't believe how quickly they responded and calmed down once the Bark Busters' techniques were used upon my arrival. There's some simple homework to practice and I'll be back when their humans need me!

19th December 2017 - Todd Morris

Todd dealt with Hyperactivity, Jumping up, Pulling

My Staffy Cody was really hyperactive and jumpy, I thought it would be impossible for him to sit still for more than 10 seconds, just constantly on the go. But after today’s training with Philip I’ve never seen him so calm! Philip taught me how to control Cody’s jumping, licking and hyperactivity and I can’t believe how well Cody responded! I can’t wait to continue the training with Cody to perfect everything! Thanks Philip!

- M.P, Bowral, New South Wales (Testimonial)

Trainer note from Todd
Well what more can I say! Melinda has covered it! Cody is about 5 years old and desexed. He has been naughty forever and today we saw he can listen. Once we spoke “canine” to him the scales fell from his eyes and he understood! Well done both of you! He’s a cutie with his huge Staffy mouth and correspondents large tongue! Haha!

17th December 2017 - Todd Morris

Todd dealt with Barking, Jumping up, Pulling, Recall, Other

Great training really learnt a lot in regards to us having problems with barging through doors and barking. Philip was very patient with us and Buddy.

- S.L, Thirroul, New South Wales (Testimonial)

Trainer note from Todd
Buddy is a big boy at about 45 kg! Almost 2 years old Labradoodle male. Used to ruling his home he was pushing past at doors and almost knocking over the elderly Dad. He also slept on their bed despite them wanting him to sleep on the floor. The Bark Busters techniques helped immediately with his door barging and sleeping on the bed is now a thing of the past. Following lessons will work more on walking without pulling. He’s done really well so far!

14th December 2017 - Todd Morris

Todd dealt with Barking, Jumping up, Sibling rivalry

This was amazing. The techniques make so much sense, are relatively straight forward to practice and so, so effective. Poppy is so much calmer, happier and quieter!

- A.B, Wollongong, New South Wales (Testimonial)

Trainer note from Todd
Cavoodle Poppy is about 2 years and was barking heaps especially since her family moved here from NZ. Her humans also embarked upon a big home renovation and with all the disruption Poppy’s barking got worse. Now the Council are involved with a warning letter received. At our first lesson Poppy showed her true nature (sweet and soft) and techniques were learnt to correct her barking. She responded perfectly. Her humans need to do a little 15-20 minutes of daily practice to settle her into her Bark Busters’ routine. Easy!

14th December 2017 - Todd Morris

Todd dealt with Aggression, Barking, Pulling, Recall, Sibling rivalry

Philip helped us to overcome the aggression, barking, and walking problems with Lexi in an easy and effective way. Thanks!

- R.T, Dapto, New South Wales (Testimonial)

Trainer note from Todd
Lexi is a 2 year old (young!) German Shepherd desexed male. He is a large dog and very powerful. His aggressive outbursts towards other dogs were confronting and he had had training from other local dog trainers which has not helped the issue improve. We saw improvement with the Bark Buster' methods. His humans need to remain consistent with Lexi and this issue is not resolved yet. But we saw improvement and certainly his walking without pulling has been vastly improved. His reaction to other dogs is still there but his humans know how to deal with this and have seen improvement even with this difficult and strong boy. Keep up the daily training and call me when you need further help! Our Lifetime Support Guarantee is for dogs like Lexi who might need more help than most.

13th December 2017 - Todd Morris

Todd dealt with Barking, Jumping up, Recall

Philip provided excellent instruction, assistance in the lesson and training of Beau. You can see instant results and improvement in Beau's behaviour. Highly recommended.

- W.O, Wollongong, New South Wales (Testimonial)

Trainer note from Todd
Beau is a gorgeous 7 month male Pomeranian pup and the apple of his owners eye. But he had a dangerous behaviour. Rushing out the front door and OFF down the busy street to adventures. So in lesson one we taught him that humans go through doors first. He must wait patiently until invited through. His humans loved learning and Beau did brilliantly too!


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