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Reviews & Testimonials For Todd Morris

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11th November 2018 - Todd Morris

Todd dealt with Barking, Jumping up, Pulling, Recall

Philip is a world of knowledge when it comes to training and communicating with dogs. His instructions and techniques were easy to follow and he made us feel at ease during the training process. We saw almost instant results on the lead and can't wait to continue training our two dogs using Philip's techniques. We can't recommend enough!

- S.G, Kiama, New South Wales (Testimonial)

Trainer note from Todd
Thanks Stella for your kind words. Chilli is a 1 year old Labradoodle and Ziggy a 2 year old Spoodle. They were dog aggressive/reactive and pulled hard on the leash. They barked too. We saw fantastic responses in the first lesson and they both walked without pulling for the first time. Followup training will further consolidate their new improved behaviours. Well done Chilli and Ziggy.

10th November 2018 - Todd Morris

Todd dealt with Puppy management

Excellent. Informative and worthwhile. Varied and appropriate for our needs. A lovely approach to our puppies. And to us too...

- C.R, Bundanoon, New South Wales (Testimonial)

Trainer note from Todd
I love puppy lessons! 🤗 It's so good to help new owners communicate with their new pups and establish a great relationship from early on. No need for treats or physical punishment with our training either. I hope you enjoy young 3 month old Border Collie Molly and 3 month old Moodle Jessie. So cute both of them❤️❤️❤️❤️

30th October 2018 - Todd Morris

Todd dealt with Aggression, Barking

Big changes in just one lesson, I can already see the difference

- L.F, Woonona, New South Wales (Testimonial)

Trainer note from Todd
Thanks Laura😄. Millie is a 2 year old miniature Schnauzer and besides barking too much she was getting aggressive with new people both at home and when out. She leaned today that her mummy can look after herself and she isn't responsible for her mummy's and her own safety any more. In fact mum will look after her instead. So Millie can relax and chill out! So much better isn't it Millie? You bet🐶😄❤️❤️

28th October 2018 - Todd Morris

Todd dealt with Aggression, Barking, Jumping up, Recall

A great experience, we saw almost instant results and are really looking forward to practicing everything we have covered in the lesson.

- B.S, Wollongong, New South Wales (Testimonial)

Trainer note from Todd
Thanks Brendon🙂. We worked with two sweet little Dachshunds Chorizo and Popcorn, who were both shocking barkers and disturbing the peace something fierce! I heard them from my car as I drive up! With a baby due soon it was important to get this under control so baby won't be women! The two puppies responded immediately and their humans gained amazing control over the barking in one lesson. Well done two dogs and two humans! ❤️❤️🐶🐶

27th October 2018 - Todd Morris

Todd dealt with Barking, Jumping up, Toileting

The training session with Philip was great, could see improvement in Lucy straight away, have learnt so much, and feel much more confident be able to train her myself.

- C.K, Shellcove, New South Wales (Testimonial)

Trainer note from Todd
Lucy is a 6 month old female Cavoodle cutie who was having trouble with toileting in the wing places and nuisance barking. Her lesson went brilliantly and we saw immediate responses. With the new strategies in place her problems will improve quickly. Well done Lucy❤️❤️❤️❤️

24th October 2018 - Todd Morris

Todd dealt with Aggression, Pulling, Other

The training methods were very well explained and worked very quickly. I like the fact that the methods don't involve punishment or treats.

- D.P, Wollongong, New South Wales (Testimonial)

Trainer note from Todd
Boo is a 5 year old male Cattle Dog who didn't come when called and was aggressive to other dogs on walks. His did really well today and picked up his lesson brilliantly. Our methods are based on communication so we don't need to bribe a dog to behave. Rather we guide them through their instincts which makes it fast and easy. Well done Boo ❤️❤️❤️❤️

23rd September 2018 - Todd Morris

Todd dealt with Aggression, Barking, Pulling

We were extremely happy with our first training lesson. Phillip is an amazing teacher and Kyra was very responsive to the training straight away. We look forward to our future lessons through bark busters.

- M.J, Unanderra, New South Wales (Testimonial)

Trainer note from Todd
Kyra is a gorgeous white 3 year old German Shepherd. She was aggressive towards other dogs on walks and more worryingly towards children. She did really well today and her humans saw great improvements immediately. Good girl Kyra. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

21st September 2018 - Todd Morris

Todd dealt with Aggression, Barking, Jumping up

Philip was very helpful and provided excellent instuctions on how to help our dog to work through her excessive barking issues. He was able to show us practical solutions to her problems with aggression and how we can stop her jumping. It was surprisingly easy.

- M.F, Coledale, New South Wales (Testimonial)

Trainer note from Todd
Thanks Michelle for your kind words. Coffee is a female Whippet cross about 8 years. So yes we can train an old dog new tricks! Coffee showed us her true personality today. We say at Bark Busters that Aggression is a behavioral issue not a personality type. We can help overcome even these worrying problems. Quickly!

20th September 2018 - Todd Morris

Todd dealt with Aggression, Barking, Chewing, Digging, Hyperactivity, Puppy management, Sibling rivalry, Toileting

We are so thrilled with the training we received by Philip from Bark Busters. It was so informative and extremely helpful. We look forward to practicing our skills we learnt with Arlo. We feel so much more confident in being puppy owners. Thanks so much Philip

- S.S, Wollongong, New South Wales (Testimonial)

Trainer note from Todd
I love puppy lessons! Arlo is just 9.5 weeks old. Owners who engage Bark Busters at this early stage are clever people! They will learn from the beginning how to Communicate in Canine with their new puppy. No getting cranky or frustrated. No physical corrections. Ever! So you, your family and your gorgeous new puppy will developer a healthy postive relationship with real understanding. Go Arlo! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

18th September 2018 - Todd Morris

Todd dealt with Puppy management

Found the training to be well paced, very informative and helpful.

- I.B, Moss Vale, New South Wales (Testimonial)

Trainer note from Todd
Thanks Ian! We had a great puppy lesson with 11 week old Border Collie puppy Bonnie. We covered canine communication and saw gorgeous Bonnie respond immediately to our verbal commands. Her demanding attention when alone was dealt with and we saw her able to be separated from you without the same complaining as before. I'll be back when you request a further lesson, and by the age of about 12 months she will be walking on a loose lead, coming when called, and generally having great house manners. She is super cute already and will be a fantastic companion whilst you work in your office. Thank you for allowing me to help with her education!

6th September 2018 - Todd Morris

Todd dealt with Aggression, Barking, Hyperactivity, Jumping up, Pulling, Sibling rivalry

Today was Tina and my first lesson. Great start, Philip showed up to the door and we began immediately. Tina barked at the door and Philip talked me through what to do. Simple and somewhat primitive techniques with great results. I was so surprised. I feel like I'm on the way to being Queen D. I'm excited to see where we are in the next few weeks, I'm confident that I will see and feel progression in our journey. I can't thank you enough for showing me your techniques.

- H.C, Tarrawanna, New South Wales (Testimonial)

Trainer note from Todd
Thanks Hayley! Tina is great! A largish Wolfhound x German Shorthair Pointer about 3 years old she had a few pretty serious issues that were impacting her life (and Hayley's!) She was dog reactive or aggressive, and anxious and timid with new people. She barked a lot at new guests, and being large that was intimidating for friends stopping by the house. She did incredibly well at her first lesson and I've received several emails from Hayley saying how great it's been. Here's one of Hayley's emails: "Afternoon, Philip! Likewise, it was a pleasure meeting you. Training is going very well. My housemate had some people over the afternoon you were here and when they knocked at the door, she didn't leave her bed. It was insane haha. She did have a bit of a bark when they came inside but she still didn't leave her bed. I feel I am definitely being seen as the leader now. I'm just about to go and walk around the backyard with her. She has been a little stubborn, just stopping when we come up to the front of the yard, but as soon as I let go with my left hand and start walking backwards she comes to me. Only thing is to start guiding her to my left side so we don't get tangled. Also in the mornings Tina usually wakes up and stands to look out of the bedroom window, I gave her a BAH and she got down immediately. I'm so happy with how this is all going, I can't believe we've found something that works for us. Thank you so much 😊 I won't hesitate if I ever get stuck 😊 Hayley & Tina" A great start Hayley! And Hayley had tried other Illawarra dog trainers who didn't address the issues or have any positive results. So well done Hayley and Tina!

6th September 2018 - Todd Morris

Todd dealt with Aggression, Barking, Jumping up, Pulling, Sibling rivalry

Training went very well. Philip worked very well with the three of us owners and Zuki took to the training immediently.

- K.T, Scarborough, New South Wales (Testimonial)

Trainer note from Todd
Zuko is a 2 year old female Rhodesian Ridgeback and super sweet ❤️❤️ Her owners (3 sisters) had a couple of behavioural issues. First and foremost she was dog aggressive on walks and at the dog park. No wonder really as she had been bitten there herself when younger. She also guarded the house and barked during the night and day. She pulled on her lead too hard too. With our first lesson we saw her listen, be quieter and walk next to her human sisters on a loose lead. With practice she will be able to ignore dogs outside. It'll take more time and regular short sessions to get there. Excellent start Zuki ❤️❤️❤️


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