Bark Busters Reviews and Customer Testimonials
24th February 2015 - Martin Blattman
Martin dealt with Barking, Jumping up, Pulling, Recall, Toileting, Other
23rd February 2015 - Head Office
23rd February 2015 - Head Office
Head Office dealt with Pulling, Other
22nd February 2015 - Todd Morris
Todd dealt with Chewing, Jumping up, Puppy management
Rafiki is an absolutely terrific puppy. Bright and keen to please. He'll be a great companion!
22nd February 2015 - Todd Morris
Todd dealt with Chewing, Jumping up, Puppy management
20th February 2015 - Todd Morris
Todd dealt with Barking, Jumping up, Pulling
Otis was a gentle giant willing and able to please. His barking at passers by will be a thing of the past soon. Well done Lindy & Lucy too!
20th February 2015 - Todd Morris
Todd dealt with Jumping up, Pulling, Sibling rivalry, Other
20th February 2015 - Head Office
Head Office dealt with Barking
20th February 2015 - Head Office
Head Office dealt with Aggression, Barking, Jumping up, Sibling rivalry
19th February 2015 - Catharina Jeffery
Catharina dealt with Aggression
18th February 2015 - Catharina Jeffery
Catharina dealt with Jumping up, Pulling, Puppy management, Recall