Bark Busters Reviews and Customer Testimonials
12th February 2013 - Peter Adamow
Very happy and impressed with Peter.
Patience, persistence and practice should all pay off.
12th February 2013 - Head Office
When the Bark Busters therapist (Keith) came to my home and started training with Abby we were amazed with the difference in Abby within a short time.
10th February 2013 - Glen & Maureen Guelfi
Glen was a very good coach. A lot of it was common sense - once it was explained. We learnt a lot. Our dogs are better behaved, healthier and we are happier. It's good to know he is there if we need him.
10th February 2013 - Glen & Maureen Guelfi
Glen was a very good coach. A lot of it was common sense - once it was explained. We learnt a lot. Our dogs are better behaved, healthier and we are happier. It's good to know he is there if we need him.
8th February 2013 - Peter Adamow
We are glad we came across your program. Peter has extended our knowledge about the canine life.
7th February 2013 - Peter Adamow
my first session with Peter improved my relationship with a newly acquired animal. I was amazed at the improvement in her behaviour in such a short time, and also how her anxiety levels subsided
5th February 2013 - Glen & Maureen Guelfi
Glen makes it seem easy and that you are in control. Worked straight away - amazing! Fantastic overall - especially appreciated the socialisation class on Tuesday evening.
5th February 2013 - Glen & Maureen Guelfi
Glen is a great trainer and very pleasant and competent. Zara has matured 100% since having Glen's help. She is now a very enjoyable dog.
5th February 2013 - Glen & Maureen Guelfi
Fantastic overall - especially appreciated the socialization class. Glen presented the material well and the training worked straight away. It was simple and the dog got it. Amazing!
1st February 2013 - Head Office
We had problems with our puppies, that's why we seeked help. They are now 6 months old and better behaved. Training in our home was great, more rewarding. Advice excellent in our memory bank to keep using.
30th January 2013 - Head Office
John is very passionate about what he does. Jumping improved immediately, barking too. Perfect.
24th January 2013 - Martin Blattman
Very pleasantly surprised at the improvement in Henry's behaviour in only a few days of using these techniques.