Bark Busters Reviews and Customer Testimonials
24th November 2014 - Ken Tran
Ken dealt with Aggression, Jumping up
24th November 2014 - Head Office
Head Office dealt with Pulling, Sibling rivalry, Other
24th November 2014 - Head Office
22nd November 2014 - Todd Morris
Todd dealt with Jumping up, Pulling, Sibling rivalry, Other
22nd November 2014 - Todd Morris
Todd dealt with Barking, Jumping up, Pulling, Recall, Other
20th November 2014 - Todd Morris
Todd dealt with Puppy management, Recall, Toileting
18th November 2014 - Todd Morris
Todd dealt with Barking, Chewing, Hyperactivity, Jumping up, Recall, Sibling rivalry
Yes the future is bright with Bailey. He's a gorgeous Cocker Spaniel and like many rescue dogs he hasn't been shown right from wrong yet. But with your new leadership skills I'm confident Bailey will make a wonderful addition to your family.
17th November 2014 - Peter Adamow
Peter dealt with Barking, Jumping up, Pulling, Recall
17th November 2014 - Head Office
Head Office dealt with Barking
15th November 2014 - Peter Adamow
Peter dealt with Barking, Hyperactivity, Jumping up, Recall
14th November 2014 - Peter Adamow
Peter dealt with Jumping up, Puppy management, Recall, Other
14th November 2014 - Head Office
Head Office dealt with Barking, Puppy management, Sibling rivalry